Volunteer attorneys are crucial to Legal Aid's ability to extend help to as many clients as possible. Our Volunteer Lawyer Program offers attorneys a number of ways to donate their time and expertise, including:
help a client
The backbone of the Volunteer Lawyer Program is the direct client services our volunteer lawyers offer clients. We screen clients for financial eligibility and match them with volunteers based on the volunteer's indicated areas of expertise or interest.
staff a clinic
We offer regular legal clinics on commonly requested issues like divorces, expungements, and landlords/tenants. Although the format may vary, these clinics are an opportunity for to provide focused, one-on-one assistance to clients.
be a mentor
When you serve as a mentor, you help a new attorney or one who is new to a practice area gain confidence and skills. The mentor is not responsible for representing clients. Instead, he or she lends expertise to helping another attorney practice a case.
Volunteers must be attorneys licensed to practice and in good standing with the Kentucky Bar Association. Volunteers must notify the Volunteer Lawyer Program of any changes in their status with the KBA.
Attorneys who register with the Volunteer Lawyer Program and who are in good standing with the KBA are covered under our malpractice insurance policy for the cases they accept.
In order to participate with the Volunteer Lawyer Program, volunteers agree to
Represent clients in accordance with the Kentucky Rules of Professional Conduct;
Respond to periodic case update requests from Legal Aid staff;
Notify Legal Aid upon completion of a matter, including the outcome, the number of hours spent, and the attorney’s normal hourly fee; and
Notify Legal Aid of any changes in the attorney’s contact information or areas of interest.